Blog Promotion Resources
If you’re updating your blog daily, you’ve got a great start. But don’t stop there! We’ve assembled these resources to help you get the most search engine visibility for your blog
Ping Servers
- Ping-o-matic will ping several major ping servers (weblogs.com, feedster, technorati, etc.)
- Instructions for manually pinging Weblogs.com (you won’t need this if you use ping-o-matic, or if your blog software automatically pings them)
- Blo.gs ping page (you won’t need this if you use ping-o-matic, or if your blog software automatically pings them)
- A long list of additional ping servers provided by Chris Abraham
Blog and RSS Search Engines & Directories
- Rather than re-inventing the wheel and assembling all of the blog and RSS feed submittal sites on the web, here are links to our favorite compendiums of submittal links:
- RSS/Blog submittal sites
- Robin Good’s RSS submittal pages
- Toprank’s list of blog and RSS sites
Specialty Blog Directories
- Library blogs at http://www.libdex.com/weblogs.html
- Law-related blogs at blawg.org
- French blogs only at weblogues.com
- British blogs a britblog.com
- Educational feeds – unfortunately they are no longer accepting submittals: http://www.downes.ca/xml/edu_rss.htm
Blog networks
SEO for Blogs – tools, tips and advice
- Profit Papers provides detailed SEO for blogs!
- Help with Google Sitemap for blogs at Cameron’s Blog.
- Pro Blogger talks about linking in blogs.
- Another Pro Blogger link with a compendium of SEO tips for bloggers.
- About.com offers Top 10 Tips on Promoting Your Blog
- Toprank has an automatic RSS feed subscription button maker that makes great little buttons so that your blog visitors can easily subscribe to your blog. They also offer a similar tool for adding social bookmark links to your blog.