11 Places to Submit Your App For a Free…
When you’re launching a new app, naturally you want everyone in the world to see it! But many of the app review sites you’ll find in Google are spammy or require a payment for submittal. Try this list for free app review submittals.
Before you submit, do a little prep work. You’ll need a promo code if your app is not free. And your app will have a much better chance of getting reviews if you create a fantastic demo video. That way reviewers don’t have to download your app to see just how fun and fantastic it is!
When you’re ready to get started, here are your marching orders:
11 Great App Review Sites to Submit Your App For a Free Review
- http://www.macworld.com/info/appsubmit.html
- http://appadvice.com/appnn/contact-info-developers/
- http://www.appcraver.com/contact/
- http://www.appolicious.com/
- http://www.appstoreapps.com/contact/
- http://www.tuaw.com/contact/appreviews
- http://www.iusethisapp.com/submit-app/
- http://www.theiphoneappreview.com/submit-your-app/
- http://www.slapapp.com/request-a-review
- http://www.appchatter.com/submit/app-for-review/
- http://forms.whatsoniphone.com/forms/woip_submitanapp
- http://freeappsreviews.com/
Readers, do you have any more to suggest?