Google Analytics 101 – Funnels
This is the second part in our Google Analytics 101 series. This introductory series will help novice Google Analytics users learn how to set up and view goals, funnels and flows.
Intro to Google Analytics Funnels
When setting up a URL destination goal in Google Analytics, you have the option to create a funnel. A funnel is a series of pages you expect your site visitor to visit before completing your goal.
By creating a funnel, you can analyze problems that may occur before a user reaches the goal. For example, you can see where visitors are departing the site in the course of your shopping cart checkout process.
Let’s say you have a checkout path that looks like this:
* Step 1: /viewcart.html
* Step 2: /register.html
* Step 3: /shipping.html
* Step 4: /checkout.html
* Goal/Success page: /thankyou.html
Here are the steps you would take to create a funnel for this checkout process:
- Create a URL destination goal (see Goals 101 ), using the page a user sees after they purchase an item. For this example, this it the “/thankyou.html” page.
- Turn the funnel option on.
- Enter the URLs along a path to goal completion that you would like to include in this funnel. You can give each URL a descriptive name which will appear in goal funnel reports. Do not include the final Goal URL as that was entered in as the destination goal previously. There is an option to make each step Required. In most cases this is not needed. If you choose to make a step not required, then visitors can bypass this page and will still be measured as completing the funnel.
- Click “Verify this Goal” which will help you identify if the goal is set up correctly. If there is no data, then you may have a typo in your URL.
- Click “Create Goal”
Funnels are not applied retroactively, so you will need to wait until Google Analytics compiles data to view funnel reports in in Google Analytics.
With the funnel set up and data flowing, you now have access to basic funnel reporting:
In the Goals dashboard, you can access the “Funnel Visualization” report. This report shows each step you created. In each step, you can see who entered and exited at each step, and how many users from the previous step made it into the next step.
We hope you have found this basic introduction to Google Analytics funnels helpful! Next in this series, we will go over the basics of Google Analytics Flow report.