Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day is a down-to-earth, common sense approach to SEO for busy people.
Not just another SEO how-to book
SEO: An Hour a Day includes a three month SEO plan we call Your SEO Plan, with an SEO task assignment for each day. By the end of the three month plan, SEO will be a part of your daily habits and you’ll be well on your way to becoming the in-house SEO expert.
Already reading the book? Here are the templates and resources we promised you:
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I noticed on Amazon that this book was published in 2011. I was wondering if all the techniques discussed in the book are still relevant after all the Google algorithm changes that have occurred since then.
Hi Brad,
Thanks for your note! Three years is a long time in the world of SEO, and indeed there have been a lot of changes since this book was published. We knew that going into it, and we worked hard when writing the book to differentiate between “eternal truths” and “right now” advice. Much of the book is still helpful and accurate, especially when it comes to broad questions about SEO strategy and helping to clarify your own SEO goals. There aren’t any approaches we advise in the book that would be harmful (ie, we don’t recommend anything that would be spam in today’s world). However, as time goes on there’s no doubt that SEO best practices have evolved. You’ll need to do a bit more homework as you work through the book. I hope this is helpful!